Automatically Convert SCADA Platforms to Ignition
With regards to technology, manufacturing is different from other industries. Manufacturing needs software that works, that won’t take the plant down, and which tracks an ever-growing amount of data about the process. The software manufacturing plants around the world need must monitor and control equipment, manage business processes—and be capable of complex data analysis. While daily innovation is standard for consumer technology (or when considering AI tools like ChatGPT, almost every minute) manufacturing needs tools that they know will function for a long time.
Most manufacturing technology implementations are in use for many years, if not decades.
To embark on a Digital Transformation journey, you the need tools and technology capable of supporting your needs. Ignition is the best platform on the market for Digital Transformation. This is why at Corso Systems, we built a tool to make the conversion and migration as quick and painless as possible!
What Got You Here Won’t Get You Where You Are Going
Eventually it’s time to upgrade. Maybe the PLC hardware you are using is obsolete, and you need to upgrade to avoid having to scour eBay for spare parts. Your company may have merged with another enterprise, and you need to integrate different systems together to streamline operations. You might even have a process which requires more powerful tools to optimize it further.
Regardless of the reason or need for an upgrade, moving from one SCADA platform to another is a very daunting task.
If you have an existing SCADA system that you’ve considered migrating to Ignition, but you’re worried about the cost and hassle of switching systems, there’s no more need to worry or hesitate. We’ve built a tool that can convert any SCADA platform to Ignition. Our turn-key solution works in a fraction of the time it would take to re-platform your SCADA system manually.
Our advanced software tool will analyze your SCADA system, then automatically convert all of your graphics, tags, scripts, alarms, security, and even your historical data to the Ignition platform.
With Corso Systems’ technology, you can move from your aging or outdated SCADA platform into the future with Ignition. You’ll take advantage of reduced licensing costs, unlimited screens, tags, and data, and gain access to your information on any device. Ready to get started? Schedule a 15-minute call with Cody Johnson in sales to learn how quickly you get going with Ignition—regardless of your current platform.
Corso Systems Makes SCADA Platform Conversions Fast and Painless
This is the highlight reel of our conversion process; as part of every project we:
Give you access to discounted Ignition licensing
Flag screens and components in your existing project to templatize in Ignition
Build organization into your tag hierarchy using UDTs and folder structures generated using our Machine Learning tools
Convert your screens, tags, alarms, scripts, security, and even your historical data
Reduce the overall screen count with modern design strategies
Update your graphics to modern aesthetics, including implementing High Performance HMI as part of the conversion (if you choose)
Corso Systems Does The Work For You
If you are using any of the following SCADA platforms, our automated conversion tools can convert your project to Ignition’s Perspective platform in an instant:
Wonderware/Aveva InTouch
Wonderware/Aveva System Platform
FactoryTalk View
Ignition’s Vision Module
If your SCADA platform isn’t listed, reach out and let us know!
“Upgrading our mobile users from Ignition Vision to Perspective seemed extremely daunting, but Corso Systems’ conversion tool alleviated those concerns. This process can significantly reduce the time and effort required to migrate your projects, ensuring a smoother transition to Perspective. If you’re looking to streamline your Ignition upgrade process, the Corso Systems’ conversion tool is definitely worth considering!”
Using Ignition Vision? Yes, we can convert your Vision screens to Perspective!
Our Process, From Backup to Commissioning
With a backup of your project, we’ll use our specialized analysis framework and tools to determine its structure. From there, the Corso Systems strategy is straightforward. We’ll analyze the tags, screens, alarms, historical data collection, scripting, security, and any other necessary features. Next, we build out the project plan for your converted project’s architecture and design aesthetic. Once your team agrees with the path forward, we’ll convert the project.
When beneficial, our conversion process will improves on legacy flat tag hierarchies by converting them into User Defined Types (UDTs) in Ignition. When UDTs aren’t necessary, we’ll place your tags into a well-organized folder structure. We’ll run advanced Machine Learning algorithms on your tag structure, along with naming convention definitions and rules to provide tag names in your converted project that are easy to manage and understand.
Also included in tag conversion:
Convert and streamlining alarms
Historical data collection
Next, we convert the screens. Where possible, we templatize screens and screen components during the conversion process to take advantage of Ignition’s advanced object oriented functionality. Similarly, we’ll convert the scripts on screens, components, and in the project. Converting the screens also includes converting all the tag bindings to the new tag structure in Ignition and converting any scripts to Python for integration with Ignition. Where possible, we’ll even move your configuration and security settings, files, and recipe management into databases to fully leverage the power of Ignition.
Once your project has been converted to Ignition, we will set up your gateway and all of your device and database connections. Then we will move the newly converted project to the Ignition gateway so we can perform a top to bottom data validation check to ensure everything works in the new system as expected.
After validation is complete, we will backfill your historical data and help you decommission your legacy system so you can fully leverage Ignition’s capabilities right away.
Up front, we’ll flag items and components in your project which can be templatized as needed. Then, if we need to re-convert the application along the way to adapt for changes in the rules, it’s not a problem since it converts in an instant. Get started today: schedule a 15 minute call with Cody Johnson in sales right away.
Take Advantage of Modern Design
Most conversions are at least partially motivated by needing an upgrade to a modern backend. Another huge conversion driver is when companies need a more modern interface with newer design aesthetics and features for mobile devices.
Our conversion tool can modernize the aesthetics of your application in a snap. In addition to updating the look and feel of the various components, we can also leverage the power of the Ignition Perspective module to build a fully mobile responsive version of your application if you want to access it from mobile devices.
Leveraging the power of Perspective also gives you the ability to use Perspective workstation to see the same application on standalone machines, and the Perspective mobile app or browser access to view it on any device.
If for some reason you don’t want to change the look and feel of your application after the upgrade, our tool is also equipped for the rare cases where a true 1:1 conversion is desired. Yes, that means we can make Ignition look just like a Wonderware application developed in 2008!
We’ll Migrate Your Historical Data Too
Much like the conversions we have performed for dedicated process historians, we can also work with your existing system to bring all the historical data across to Ignition!
Once we convert the tags and are ready to deploy Ignition, we’ll export the historical data from your current SCADA solution. Then, we can backfill this data into Ignition so that you don’t lose any of your data’s value through the conversion process.
Crossing Each “t” & Dotting Every “i”
Once we convert your existing project, you can test and verify that it works correctly before we deploy it to production. Our conversion process also includes data and screen validation to ensure it works correctly for you in Ignition.
We begin by validating that the values match in both systems. Once everyone is satisfied with the validation process, the tags all line up to the correct components on the screens, and all of the historical data is in the right place, we will begin to use Ignition to control the process so we can make sure everything works bi-.
After everyone agrees that the data validation is complete, we will turn over the new system to you—and turn off the previous system so you can use Ignition moving forward.
Getting Started and Moving Forward
Beyond commissioning, we also offer a suite of Corso Care Packages for on-going support for anything you might need with your newly converted system, including continued upgrades and updates.
Ignition is fully capable of growing with your company’s needs over time, and Corso Systems is a great partner to have in your corner for helping architect the growth with you.
Ready to convert your legacy SCADA system? Contact us with your project details, or skip the line and schedule a meeting with Cody Johnson in sales to get started NOW.