Does your facility use time cards or another type of time tracking for your hourly workers? Most facilities will give us a resounding yes. We hear from a lot of facilities that getting people punched in (and out) en mass can be really hard. Some facilities tell us that HR wants to buy more time clocks to allow lines to move quicker. Instead, we can now set up time tracking in your MES System.

How Do Automated Time Cards Work?

When Corso Systems sets up an MES, we're going to set it up with users. If you're using something like Active Directory, then we're part of the way there—we’ll use it for users and roles (operators, maintenance, supervisors, admins, and any other roles) access in your system. Now, if you're using paper time cards, we can simply create a login/logout button. Internal clocks are already running and the system is tracking users. After we've added user information into time sheets, you've easily automated important parts of the time card. Plus, we've helped you save some trees!

What if Your System is More Complicated than Paper Time Cards?

There are A LOT of time card options, and they range in price from free to more expensive than most budgets. If we want to integrate further than just paper time sheets, then we need to look at your ERP. If you have Enterprise Resource Planning software, you might already be using it in accounting. If your accountants use the ERP for paying everyone, Corso Systems can integrate directly with it. We can send the raw time-in and time-out data. We can also store the timing and employee time data, then send it all as one nice package. 

What Hardware Is Required?

Many facilities are happy to use the existing operator interfaces, be it computers or HMI's. Some facilities want something more secure than a username and password. We can also use badging if you are using it, RFID, QR Codes, Biometrics, or whatever you need. As long as we can get the inputs into the system, we can be really flexible.

What Software is Required?

What can we build this on? Just about anything. We can set it up on Inductive Automation's Ignition, Siemens WinCC OA, Rockwell's FactoryTalk, or most other platforms. Don't have a SCADA system? Don't worry. We can customize a web-based solution just for you! Want to learn more about MES? Check out THE ULTIMATE MES GUIDE!

Updated - 6/14/2022


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