Siemens Automation Tool

Welcome to Corso Shorts. In this series, we're going to show you a cool piece of software or hardware that we've found. And, we're going to do it quickly—as in less than 3 minutes. So if you're ready to learn about some cool, new technology, stay tuned.

Siemens Automation Tool

This time around, we're going to talk about Siemens Automation Tool. You'll notice some similarities to Rockwell Automation's AssetCentre. There are some really awesome things that Automation Tool offers. Both in general and also compared to AssetCentre.

  • First and foremost, this is part of the Siemens package, so it's included in your normal pricing. There is also a more robust version that is available for an increased cost.

  • This will only work for your supported Siemens products:

    • SIMATIC S7-1200 (Standard and Failsafe)

    • SIMATIC S7-1500 (Standard and Failsafe)

    • SIMATIC ET 200 (Standard and Failsafe)

    • SIMATIC HMI Basic/Comfort/Mobile Panels

    • SITOP power supplies

    • Identification systems RFID

    • Can use it for automatic updates and backups.

More Information:

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you're ready to talk about adding Automation Tool or AssetCentre for your facility, please contact us, we'd love to help you. There are some opportunities for starting with pilot programs for your most sensitive equipment. Then we can expand to the rest of your facility as you see fit.

If you're looking for more automation and backup than what this provides, please ask us about Corso Care. We'd be happy to make sure that you're completely protected.


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