Custom Data Monitoring Website for Solar Facility Commissioning
Corso Systems built a web-based SCADA solution for a solar power generation company. The system included integrating PLCs and switchgear hardware using Modbus, a Red Lion Datastation Plus acting as a process historian, and an ASP.NET front-end to aggregate data from multiple solar fields into one user interface.
SCADA System for Multiple Remote Solar Sites
Corso Systems worked with a leader in solar power generation to develop a SCADA system standard built on Wonderware's Archestra platform and an OSI PI Historian. This SCADA Standard reduced deployment and commissioning time for new facilities by 85% and was deployed to over 500MW of solar power within one year.
Process Change Management System for Mining
Corso Systems worked with a diatomaceous earth processing facility to develop a centralized process change management system. We based the requirements on their existing Excel spreadsheet system. We designed a robust and automatic approvals process for proposed changes.