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You Need Scheduling With ERP Integration

Scheduling is not always easy. Some facilities have everything beautifully automated, and others are chaotic. This is why we’ve created a number of posts which focus on the important topic of scheduling with ERP software and your MES

Additional Scheduling Posts:

Plus if you want to know more about Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, read Acronyms Are Hard: ERP for an overview

Again, there are many scheduling options—including those inside your Industrial Control System, ERP, or even web-based solutions.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

ERP software is a monolith that can do exactly what the name implies: plan your enterprise. There are almost endless software choices and market segments for ERP. For the purposes of this post, we’ll assume that you have or already know which ERP you're going to use. But, if you need help picking the correct ERP, please reach out and we'll happily lend our expertise. In manufacturing, we see a lot of movement to SAP for large manufacturing facilities and SAGE X for smaller ones.

What Can You Schedule in an ERP?

ERP software is great… but with one caveat: you get out of them exactly what you put in. If you spend time to make sure everything is correct the first time, you’ll save a LOT of time! If you put in junk info, you’ll only get junk info. We implore you to spend the time to input good data. Then you’ll be able to do many basic but powerful functions of scheduling in your ERP: forecasting demand, when items will run—and how long everything will take.

What's Missing with an ERP?

Actually, two major items…

Process Data

Process data is anything that happens on the plant floor. From the time when something is "scheduled" to run to when it's "complete". If you want to know how long things actually took, how much scrap, and how long any incidents took. If you're using paper and a best guess for the amount of time it took...good luck!

Items that need feedback

Mixed model scheduling, the ability to implement a change order, visualizing the entire manufacturing process… all of that requires process data and feedback. Without that, you're sending an order and hopefully something comes out the other side!

Why Do You Need Scheduling With ERP Integration?

You need ERP to know what's going on in your process as it's running and to know how long and how much everything actually costs. THEN, your facility can become more efficient. Want to know about connecting your ERP to your MES? Read our Manufacturing System Guide to learn more!

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