Corso Systems

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Canary Historian and Axiom Overview

We were really lucky to sit down with some of the amazing folks at Canary Labs. After spending a couple of days with them, we really wanted to talk about their offerings. Did you know that Corso is part of the Canary Labs Certified Integrator Program?

Process Historian

Canary's Process Historian is a time series historian which stores TVQ values. Those are Timestamp, Value, Quality. This is fairly standard for Process Historians. Additionally, Canary offers their Asset Model, which allows for relatively quick and easy model building. The general overview is you can take your current equipment, model the tags to build a "digital twin" of those pieces of equipment, and then use Axiom to visualize the data. We get a little bit more into Time Series v. Database Historians in future articles. Check back soon for updates on process historians.


Axiom is the a beautiful piece of software that allows you to visualize Canary's Process Historian. Once you've built your asset models, you can now dig into the data to really understand what is happening. It's fully accessible on HTML5, which means you can view it from any web browser. You can also export the data to an Excel spreadsheet via the Excel Add-in tool for the users who would prefer those tools.


The Chirp module can easily integrate Canary Labs offerings into Ignition. It allows for a time series historian as well providing the ability to embed Axiom into Ignition 8 Perspective screens. As a note, this is not the only way to integrate Ignition and Canary Labs, but this is (probably) the easiest path to integration for most facilities.

Want to know more about Canary Labs? Here’s a collection of articles about how we’re using Canary Labs on projects and more. You can also contact us to learn more!